FREE porn, Facebook, Barack Obama and Cheryl Cole ... that's what boys are made of.
That is, according to Askmen.com's 2010 Great Male Survey, that quizzed men on everything from their Twitter habits to their breast preferences.
Here, we round up some of our favourite stats from the 7,000 who took part in the survey.
When men were quizzed about the size of their manhood a whopping 46 per cent were happy with their lot, and just 32 per cent reckoned they would make it bigger to feel better about themselves.

power ... Cheryl is men's number one
The idea of getting down and dirty with more than one lady is still top of the sex charts according to this survey, with 63 per cent still feeling it is something they haven't yet done, but would like to.
But fear not ladies, men are more romantic than they might seem - a huge 76 per cent says feeling close to their partner motivates them to be romantic and only 16 per cent admitted the possibility of sex encouraged them to whip out the flowers and choccies.
But be careful if he's the mistrusting type - 1 in 5 men would track their woman with a Sat Nav system if they could.
Only seven per cent of men said they would be prepared to pay for online porn, when quizzed about their internet tendencies - more of a nod to the many free porn sites these days, than the virtue of those questioned.
It seems CHERYL COLE can't do any wrong these days, with women aspiring to be her and men wanting both a date AND a one night stand with her. Miss Cole got 34 per cent of the vote on who men would most like to date and over 43 per cent on who they would like a one night stand with.

Cooking good ... men are a dab hand in the kitchen
The new age man has officially landed, as 64 per cent of men enjoy cooking at home and just 5 per cent think its women's work.
While 58 per cent of men feel they may be judged on the car they own when it comes to status symbols, adorably 36 per cent of men feel having a family is the ultimate. Awwww.
If men could live like any fictional character, a whopping 63 per cent would chose the cooler than cool James Bond - over Dr Who, Kick Ass and Super Mario by a large majority.
Most men also think that the best dressed men come from Italy - we'd be inclined to agree checking out Milan fashion Week during menswear season.
MEN IN 2010
Facebook is still winning over Twitter in the online lifestyle stakes, with 71 per cent using it regularly, as opposed to just 5 per cent using Twitter.
Don't panic ladies, you're still likely to be lavished with gifts. Despite the economic gloom, 63 per cent of men feel it didn't really affect them or their spending habits.
When it comes to politicians, British MPs just aren't floating the boats of our boys. A majority would want to be Barak Obama if anyone (37 per cent), with just 18 per cent claiming they'd like to be Mr Cameron.
Blog : The Compatibility | Average Joe's life in numbers
The scenario of Mens gift is totally changed. you can find them in kitchen while they are cooking there favorite food or to enjoy with there familiy