The disturbing image shows a baby sitting on a blanket wearing a nappy and putting the green glass smoking instrument to his mouth as if he were inhaling it.
The child's 19-year-old mother, from Jacksonville, Florida, took the photograph to show a friend and posted it online.

Disturbing: Child protection services are investigating after the photograph was posted on Facebook
She has denied suggestions that the infant was actually smoking any type of substance from the bong.
The case came to light when a Florida news channel contacted child protection services after viewing the image.
An investigation is now under way.
'We are alarmed that any parent would take pictures of their child next to what is obviously drug paraphernalia,' said Department of Children and Families spokesman John Harrell.
The mother, who has not been identified, also used her Facebook page to claim she would never put her child in danger and that the photo was a joke.
She wrote: "If u look at the picture u can see that there is no bowl in the TABACCO (sic) pipe.
'And i took a pic to show one person and it was a mistake. I would never ever ever let him get high.' ( )
Blog : The Compatibility | The bong-smoking baby: Child services investigate after U.S. mother posts photo of son with drug pipe on Facebook
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