Try at your own risk . Going out shopping with your significant other has rarely been a top priority for husbands. Especially when you know who foots the bill. Lately,
however, the experience has turned rather "trying" for me.

I am sure we are all familiar with the trial room facility made available in shopping malls. Whenever my wife and I go shopping for ladies wear, my wife insists that I stand or sit right outside the trial room and give her my feedback about the outfit. "How does this look?" However silly and easy it may sound, males will agree that it gets really edgy during those few minutes which never seem to end without other females giving you a rather awkward look. Most of us pray that it quickly dawns on them that we are not waiting there to ogle at them or at their dresses and that we have a 'standing' instruction from our female partner to wait on her and comment on the tried costume.
Some really sensitive females are rather quick to jump to the conclusion and try to shoo us away or ask us to provide a credible reason to stand there. Suddenly, males start to doubt the very intention of naming such chambers as trial rooms!
Having survived the first trial, a bigger one awaits us ahead - feedback on the outfit. It could be verbal or otherwise. Sometimes, it's a clear yes or no. Other times, it is just a shirk of the shoulder with a confused look or a 'why not try the other one too?' look. But almost every time it is a tight rope to walk and the supposedly safe response pops out - look good but what do you think? As many will agree, she usually doesn't and you begin to wonder who exactly is being tried!
Fun begins even as you are waiting for your partner to pop out, you cannot help giving unintentional feedback to other trial-seekers as well. Since most of these trial rooms are clubbed, whenever someone whom you don't know tries a new outfit and walks out with a question mark on her face waiting to be answered, it is tempting to quickly check out and deliver your opinion - non-verbally of course. However unintentional it be, females are sensitive to public glare and quickly catch the signs. And the strange yet naughty part is when sometimes they actually consider your feedback! Women who agree must be smiling by now.
It sometimes also happens that you want your partner to try on a dress being tried by another lady. Now that's a tricky - or trying - situation. You can't just ask some one else to share the garment before she has opted not to buy it. So, you need to wait for her decision. A cheeky, but audacious, move could be to send her not-so-favourable signals when she tries that particular outfit. If she does decide to skip it, another trial is how to recommend that very dress to your partner and yet not make her feel otherwise about you. What if she asks, "Whom exactly were you watching out for?" or the more aggressive, "What exactly do you do sitting here?"
Well, if you do manage to survive the trial so far and your partner opts to buy your recommendation, also remember to drop in a prayer that the next time when you and your partner go shopping and you bump into the same lady, your partner is not wearing the same dress. A trial by fire might suddenly look very real. ( )
I am sure we are all familiar with the trial room facility made available in shopping malls. Whenever my wife and I go shopping for ladies wear, my wife insists that I stand or sit right outside the trial room and give her my feedback about the outfit. "How does this look?" However silly and easy it may sound, males will agree that it gets really edgy during those few minutes which never seem to end without other females giving you a rather awkward look. Most of us pray that it quickly dawns on them that we are not waiting there to ogle at them or at their dresses and that we have a 'standing' instruction from our female partner to wait on her and comment on the tried costume.
Some really sensitive females are rather quick to jump to the conclusion and try to shoo us away or ask us to provide a credible reason to stand there. Suddenly, males start to doubt the very intention of naming such chambers as trial rooms!
Having survived the first trial, a bigger one awaits us ahead - feedback on the outfit. It could be verbal or otherwise. Sometimes, it's a clear yes or no. Other times, it is just a shirk of the shoulder with a confused look or a 'why not try the other one too?' look. But almost every time it is a tight rope to walk and the supposedly safe response pops out - look good but what do you think? As many will agree, she usually doesn't and you begin to wonder who exactly is being tried!
Fun begins even as you are waiting for your partner to pop out, you cannot help giving unintentional feedback to other trial-seekers as well. Since most of these trial rooms are clubbed, whenever someone whom you don't know tries a new outfit and walks out with a question mark on her face waiting to be answered, it is tempting to quickly check out and deliver your opinion - non-verbally of course. However unintentional it be, females are sensitive to public glare and quickly catch the signs. And the strange yet naughty part is when sometimes they actually consider your feedback! Women who agree must be smiling by now.
It sometimes also happens that you want your partner to try on a dress being tried by another lady. Now that's a tricky - or trying - situation. You can't just ask some one else to share the garment before she has opted not to buy it. So, you need to wait for her decision. A cheeky, but audacious, move could be to send her not-so-favourable signals when she tries that particular outfit. If she does decide to skip it, another trial is how to recommend that very dress to your partner and yet not make her feel otherwise about you. What if she asks, "Whom exactly were you watching out for?" or the more aggressive, "What exactly do you do sitting here?"
Well, if you do manage to survive the trial so far and your partner opts to buy your recommendation, also remember to drop in a prayer that the next time when you and your partner go shopping and you bump into the same lady, your partner is not wearing the same dress. A trial by fire might suddenly look very real. ( )
Blog : The Compatibility | Try at your own risk
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